
Ffmpeg resize and crop
Ffmpeg resize and crop

ffmpeg resize and crop

Frame, adding 3D-like borders to images.Border, adding space around the edge of an image.Separating Spaced-out Tiling Images Adding/Removing Image Edges.Cropping into roughly Equally Sized Divisions.Using Negative Offsets, remove bottom or left edge.Quadrants, cutting around a single point.Strip Cropping, cropping out rows and columns.Centered Tile Cropping, leaving remainders around the edge.Tile Cropping, sub-dividing one image into multiple images.Viewport Crop with Virtual Canvas Adjustments.Removing Virtual Canvas from Results using +repage ***.Crop an Image with Existing Virtual Canvas.Index ImageMagick Examples Preface and Index Crop (cutting up images in a free form way)

Ffmpeg resize and crop