
How to use evernote to take notes for a textbook
How to use evernote to take notes for a textbook

how to use evernote to take notes for a textbook

I know there are database systems out there for keeping track of books, and I’ve tried many of them but they are too time consuming for me. Many of the books are pretty rare in their respective areas, and many more are signed by authors I admire, or who have since become friends of mine. They consist of science fiction books, books on science, and history books, as well as some miscellaneous books thrown in for good measure. The books on my bookshelves are part of a collection of books I’ve been growing since high school. Let me back up a moment and admit that yes, I still have paper books. With something like 1,100 books, I can’t always remember if I happen to have a particular book or not, and it might be useful to have a quick reference. While I was away on my Internet vacation, it occurred to me, as I was measuring my bookshelves, that it might be equally useful to have a digital version of my bookshelves in Evernote.

how to use evernote to take notes for a textbook

Some time back, I wrote a Going Paperless post called “ Creating a Digital Version of Your House” in which I described how I use tools like Skitch and Penultimate to capture floor plans and measurements around the house that might be useful to have when I am away–say at the hardware store.

How to use evernote to take notes for a textbook